--- layout: single author_profile: false permalink: /resources.html title: Resources header: image: no_title: true sidebar: - title: "Publications" url: "#publications" - title: "Reports" url: "#reports" - title: "Workshops" url: "#workshops" - title: "Challenge" url: "#challenge" - title: "Software" url: "#software" ## Publications Zvika Brakerski and Nico Döttling Lossiness and Entropic Hardness of Ring-LWE Theory of Cryptography Conference, 2020 [Link](https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/1185) Zvika Brakerski, Pedro Branco, Nico Döttling, Sanjam Garg and Giulio Malavolta Constant-Ciphertext-Rate Non-Committing Encryption from Standard Assumptions Theory of Cryptography Conference, 2020 [Link](https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/1186) Pedro Branco, Nico Döttling, Sihang Pu Multiparty Cardinality Testing for Threshold Private Set Intersection” Public Key Cryptography, 2021 [Link](https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/1307) Dingfan Chen, Tribhuvanesh Orekondy, and Mario Fritz Gs-wgan: A gradient-sanitized approach for learning differentially private generators. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, (NeurIPS) 2020. [Link](https://proceedings.neurips.cc//paper/2020/hash/9547ad6b651e2087bac67651aa92cd0d-Abstract.html) Dingfan Chen; Ning Yu; Yang Zhang; Mario Fritz, GAN-Leaks: A Taxonomy of Membership Inference Attacks against GANs ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) , 2020 [Link](https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.03935) Osman Mian, Alexander Marx, and Jilles Vreeken Discovering Fully Directed Causal Networks American Association for Artificial Intelligence, (AAAI) 2021. [Link](http://eda.mmci.uni-saarland.de/pubs/2021/globe-mian,marx,vreeken-wapx.pdf) Sebastian Dalleiger and Jilles Vreeken Explainable Data Decompositions American Association for Artificial Intelligence,(AAAI) 2020. [Link](http://eda.mmci.uni-saarland.de/pubs/2020/disc-dalleiger,vreeken.pdf) Sebastian Dalleiger and Jilles Vreeken The Relaxed Maximum Entropy Distribution and its Application to Pattern Discovery IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, (ICDM) 2020. [Link](http://eda.mmci.uni-saarland.de/pubs/2020/reaper-dalleiger,vreeken.pdf) Sebastian Stammler, Tobias Kussel, Phillipp Schoppmann, Florian Stampe, Galina Tremper, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Kay Hamacher, and Martin Lablans Mainzelliste SecureEpiLinker (MainSEL) Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage using Secure Multi-Party Computation Bioinformatics, 2020 Xinlei He, Jinyuan Jia, Michael Backes, Neil Zhenqiang Gong, Yang Zhang Stealing Links from Graph Neural Networks USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security) 2021 [Link](https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.02131) ## Reports Yang He; Maximilian Zenk, and Mario Fritz CosSGD: Nonlinear Quantization for Communication-efficient Federated Learning Technical Report, arXiv:2012.08241, 2020 [Link](https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08241) Yugeng Liu; Rui Wen; Xinlei He; Ahemd Salem; Zhikun Zhang, Michael Backes; Emiliano De Cristofaro; Mario Fritz, and Yang Zhang ML-Doctor: Holistic Risk Assessment of Inference Attacks Against Machine Learning Models Technical Report, arXiv:2102.02551, 2021. [Link](https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.02551) Min Chen; Zhikun Zhang; Tianhao Wang; Michael Backes; Mathias Humbert; and Yang Zhang When Machine Unlearning Jeopardizes Privacy Technical Report, arXiv:2005.02205, 2020. [Link](https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.02205) Jan Henning Behrens et al. Sachbearbeitung und künstliche Intelligenz: Forschungsstand, Einsatzbereiche und Handlungsfelder. Band 4, Serie “Automatisierung und Unterstützung in der Sachbearbeitung mit Künstlicher Intelligenz”, acatech, 2021